WWII POW Camps in the Armstrong Station Area – Fact & Fiction

Last revised on June 24, 2024.

Table of Contents:

Additional Information:

Related Posts On Cliff Lake and Lake Nipigon’s NW Corner


Mention of a German POW Camp Piques Our Curiosity

At the start of this year’s only canoe trip, before going to the Mattice Lake Outfitters Lodge off Highway 527,  we drove to Armstrong Station to gas up so we’d have a full tank waiting for us at the end of our trip. [See the highlighted post below for a summary of the trip, a map and some pix.]

Canoeing From The Pikitigushi’s Cliff Lake to Echo Rock on Lake Nipigon

Wabinosh Lake on Lape Nipigon’s NW side

While at the gas station, we chatted with a local about our route.  When he heard that we’d be passing through Wabinosh Lake, he mentioned that there was a POW (prisoner of war) camp from WWII we should check out. He said it was on one of the small islands on the lake – “not the big one,” he clarified.   I had visions of Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay!  Since I had never heard mention of any POW camps for German soldiers in the Armstrong area, I knew we would have to check it out when we got to Wabinosh Lake.


Some Background Info on WW2 POW Camps in Canada:

During WWII (1939-1945) an estimated 35,000 German soldiers were kept at various Prisoner of War camps scattered across Canada.  Since the Allies never did establish a foothold in western Europe until June 1944, the majority – 25,000 or so – of those POWs sent to Canada had been captured in North Africa at battles like those at El Alamein.

With Montgomery’s final victory over Rommel’s Afrika Korps in 1943, the Allies had close to a million German and Italian prisoners on their hands.  Some 400,000 were shipped to the U.S.A.; Canada’s share of the POWs was in keeping with the relative size of our population compared to the U.S. at that time.  [There were about twelve million Canadians in 1945; we had about 250,000 soldiers in the field, mostly on the Western Front and in Italy during the last two years of the war.]

Some of the 97 German prisoners captured by the British forces in Egypt in a raid on Tel El Eisa, Egypt, on September 1, 1942.


Where were the Canadian POW Camps?

There were twenty-five POW camps in Canada during WWII. [There were an additional fifteen camps holding Japanese Canadians and others whose loyalty was considered suspect – those of German, Italian,  or Jewish background, as well as conscientious objectors.]  Of the camps holding actual prisoners of war,  the two largest in North America were in Alberta –  in Lethbridge and Medicine Hat – and housed a total of 25,000 over the few years they were operational.

A list of those Canadian WWII POW camps can be accessed here.


NFB Documentary.The Enemy Within. 2003

The National Fim Board of Canada documentary The Enemy Within (2003) gives an excellent introduction to an aspect of Canada’s history that most know little about. Here is the NFB website intro to the film –

This feature-length documentary looks at German POWs from the WWII who were housed in 25 camps across Canada. Filmmaker Eva Colmers follows her father’s story – Theo Melzer – who spent three and a half years in a POW camp in Lethbridge, Alberta. Growing up in Germany, she had always been puzzled by her father’s fond memories of his POW life, so when she moved to Canada, she set out to rediscover this story. What she found surprised her. Watch as Theo Melzer, along with other POWs, recount how their lives were changed by the unexpected respect and dignity they received at the hands of their Canadian captors

Click on the image to access the 52-minute documentary.

As I watched the documentary, I wondered about my father Stanislaw and his experience in German POW camps from 1939 to 1945. He was in what was left of the Polish Army in late September of 1939 when he was captured in the streets of Warsaw and hauled back to a camp in northwestern Germany.  Only once did he open up and speak about those years.


Ontario POW Camp Locations: 


POW Camps In Northwestern Ontario:

POW camps in northwest Ontario – along with their years of operation – were the following:

Red Rock POW camp 1940-1941

Camp R – Red Rock, Ontario

  1. Red Rock  (1940-1941)
  2. Angler  (1941-1946)
  3. Neys (1943-1946)

Nothing in the Armstrong area on the list!  More research would reveal the reason why!

Red Rock POW Camp WWII

When I heard that there was a POW camp on Wabinosh Lake, I’ll admit that I pictured something like the one at Red Rock in the image above. Of Camp R, a page in the “Community History” section of the Red Rock Township website states this –

In 1940, the campsite abandoned by Lake Sulphite, was bought by the Canadian government and turned into a prisoner of war (POW) camp.  The camp, which encompassed area from Trout Creek in the north, to the railway tracks in the west and the Lake to the east, was surrounded by barbed wire fencing.  The 48 abandoned bunkhouses that had previously housed construction workers at Lake Sulphite Pulp and Paper Company became home to 1145 German prisoners for eighteen months.  Camp “R”, as it was called, came into being in July 1940 when prisoners were escorted from Quebec by the soldiers of the Fort Garry Horse Regiment.  [See here for source of quote]


Looking For A POW Camp on Wabinosh Lake

Ten days after our fill-up in Armstrong, as we paddled into Wabinsoh Bay, I sent Don Elliot of Mattice Lake Outfitters an email asking where the German POW camp was located.  He replied that it was on the west shore of Wabinosh Lake by the Wabinosh River flowing in from Waweig Lake.  The west shore is where that small island is.  We had some confirmation of the camp’s location! We weren’t sure if he meant to the right or left of the river outlet.

Wabinosh Lake map with POW camp locations

Once we were in Wabinosh Lake, we headed for the west shore and set up camp on the point shown on the map above. Then we looked for evidence of human presence along the shoreline and in the bush behind it.  While the area looked like it could accommodate a few buildings, we only found a 4-meter length of steel cable running down towards the shore.  We figured it may have been left behind from some logging operation.

the Wabinosh shoreline in front of our tent spot

The next morning as we headed for the Wabinosh River and the five-portage ascent up into Waweig Lake, we headed to the shore on the north side of the river outlet.   At the north end of a long beach area where we landed is an area that could easily have been the site of a camp of some sort – but we did not find any evidence.

the Wabinosh Lake beach to the left of the river outlet

possible site of the Wabinosh Lake POW  camp

As we looked north to the top of Wabinosh Lake, we could see the small – very small! – island.  We considered the possibility of it hosting a POW camp and thought it was totally pointless, given the size of the island and the fact that you could walk from the island to the shore without getting your navel wet.  So much for the Alcatraz of the North!

We would later find out that it was also based on a mistaken idea of how those German POWs were housed.

the small island at the north end of Wabinosh Lake

We left Wabinosh Lake without finding anything except that length of steel cable at our campsite on the westside point.


Kevin Callan’s Confused Account of a POW Camp

A couple of weeks after our canoe trip,  I reread a bit of Kevin Callan’s Dazed But Not Confused: Tales of A Wilderness Wanderer when this brief passage jumped out at me! callan-on-wabinosh-pow-camp







Looking at the map (see below), I could see a creek that somewhat fit with Callan’s description.  I thought that maybe we hadn’t found anything because we had been looking in the wrong place!  However,  given how remote any place on the west shore of Lake Nipigon was between 1939 and 1945, I did wonder why a location two kilometers up this particular creek was felt to be necessary for a POW camp! The term meandering also did not fit the course of the actual creek, which can hardly be said to “flush into the northeast corner of Wabinosh Bay”.

Since there was no Highway 527 (or its logging road original) until the 1950s, the only way to bring in the POWs to Wabinosh Bay or Wabinosh Lake would be from the CN tracks, which pass through Armstrong Station or by boat from the south end of Lake Nipigon.

Callan's POW camp location off Wabinosh Bay


A 2001 Ontario Parks Document Provides A Location

This information from a 2001 Ontario Parks document helped make sense of Callan’s location.

Included in the 2001 MNR document (access here) was this map of the proposed addition to Kopka River Provincial Park –

  • The “one known archeological site” mentioned in the above quote from the 2001 MNR document is probably the K.C.A. Dawson site (EaJf-l) near the mouth of the Wabinosh River.  See here for more info.
  • The other sites “located just outside the border” are probably the Terminal Woodland sites in Wabinosh Bay where fur trading posts were later constructed. See here for more.
  • The Pishidgi Lake site indicated on the MNR map is the one referred to by Brad Mathisen in the Comments section of this post. He wrote –

 I know of the remains of a camp with the fireplace still standing right off of Wabinosh. From Wabinosh, if you take the Kopka river on the SW side of Wabinosh up to where it meets Pishidgi there are the remains of a camp on the right just as you enter Pishidgi. The camp is located at 50.04002533244342, -89.06747517139529. There are also the remains of two old wooden boats with steel skins at this camp.

The “two wooden boats with steel skins” are the Alligator boats mentioned in the MNR document. Given Michael O’Hagan’s comment on 2019-02-06 at 10:34 am they would have belonged to the Nipigon Lake Timber Company back in the 1940s. After ice-out time the boats were used to move the cut lumber down Pishidgi Lake to float down the last section of the Kopka River to Wabinosh Lake. See the end of this post for an Outdoor Rob YouTube video where he and his partner pay the Pishidgi Lake site a visit.

In addition to the remains of the two boats, they come across what is left of the stone fireplace referred to in the comment above. It may be the fireplace that Vince Brown mentions in his 2019-07-04 at 10:29 am comment unless he is referring to a cabin/main lodge building on Wabinosh Lake or Castle Creek.

Tom Vine in his 2023-06-28 at 11:56 pm comment explains that Ontario’s Department of Lands and Forests (its name changed to Ministry of Natural Resources in 1972) burned down a cabin with a fireplace in the early 1970s because it was causing problems. It was perhaps the Pishidgi Lake cabin.

  • The document also mentions two sites on Wabinosh Lake itself.  Given their map locations, it looks like we camped near one site and did not quite paddle far enough north to get to the second site (see the red circled area on the map) so we did not see the cabin foundations or the cribbing located underwater at this more northerly site.
  • We did note the steel cable near our campsite on the west side of Wabinosh Lake below the inflow of the Wabinosh River.
  • Callan’s location agrees with the Ministry document if you change his “northeast corner of Wabinosh Bay” to “northeast corner of Wabinosh Lake“.  It is more likely that Callan and his paddle partner went up Castle Creek to the site mentioned in the Ontario Government Ministry document.  Castle Creek certainly meanders in a way that the creek above Wabinosh Bay does not.

Castle Creek - NE corner of Wabinosh Lake


The Reality of Most POW Camps In Northern Ontario

When you think of a POW camp, the image of a heavily guarded compound with elevated guard towers at each corner comes to mind.  The compound would sit in the middle of a cleared area, and there is barbed wire everywhere.

Callan’s POW camp description paints such a picture. We read –

The area once housed a small city of canvas and wood huts stacked tightly a few meters back from the creek and surrounded by triple-layered barbed wire.

A small city implies not twenty or thirty but hundreds of POWs.  Given that Callan only found bits of metal and the remains of three log cabins at the site,  his imagination has created something quite different than what was actually there.

A collection of reminiscences by American and Canadian servicemen stationed at Armstrong after WWII when it was a part of the Pinetree Line of defence helped answer the question of what was at the Wabinosh Lake location.  (See below for the link.)

a likely explanation of why nothiing is found

German POWs at an NW Ontario lumber camp

So – the German prisoners of war sent to the Armstrong area were essentially used by the logging industry at a time when workers were scarce, thanks to Canada’s war effort. 

Canadian authorities separated their German prisoners into three different categories – black, grey, and white.  The blacks were the hardcore Nazis; the whites were non-Nazis who had joined the Wehrmacht (the German military) for other reasons; the greys were somewhere in between.  The POWs in the Armstrong area would likely not have been in the black category.  And Callan’s “small city of canvas and wood huts stacked tightly a few meters back from the creek and surrounded by triple-layered barbed wire” never existed in the Armstrong Station/Wabinosh area.

Instead, there would be lumber gangs of twenty or thirty German POWs putting in a day’s work in the bush and living a life their brothers in Russian POW camps could only dream about. [About 40% of the one million German POWs in Russia died in captivity. In Canada, it was 137 of almost 35,000, most of natural causes.] The image below captures the reality of the POW experience in the bush of NW Ontario.

German POWs at an NW Ontario lumber camp during World War Two – internet-sourced image

What Callan saw at the site – the remains of three cabins –   made up the lumber camp when supplemented by one or two of the buildings on skids hauled in place mentioned in the Pierre Parent comment above.   In the end, what was there was a temporary logging camp where the German POWs had relative freedom to move about.

In a sense, we spent our time looking for something that was never there!  It made for an interesting tangent to what was a multi-faceted canoe trip involving pictographs, logjams, and paddling the big water of Lake Nipigon.  We’ll be back for more!


Additional Information:

Michael O’Hagan’s Blog

On reading my post, fellow WordPress blogger Michael O’Hagan provided concrete details to clarify matters. He wrote:

To add a bit of context, the POW bush camps you are referring to belonged to the Nipigon Lake Timber Co. Long story short, in May 1943, the Canadian government approved the employment of POWs by civilian employers in agriculture and bush work. By the end of the war, there were almost 300 labour projects, most of which were remote and lacked the traditional security measures of internment camps. Of these, over 100 were bush camps in Northern Ontario employing POWs.

According to my records, Nipigon Lake Timber Co. had three camps in the Wabinosh Lake/Armstrong area employing a total of 200 POWs from 1945 to 1946. The POWs worked 8-hour days, six days a week for $0.50 a day, doing the same work as civilian woodcutters. The camps would have be no different than those employing civilians and often included separate bunkhouses for POWs, guards, and civilian staff, an office/canteen, a kitchen and mess hall, barn, and blacksmith shop.

Click on the header above or the following link to see more of his research on POWs in Canada or get in touch with him.

Michael O’Hagan’s blog:  POWs In Canada


TV Ontario Article

An article at the TV Ontario website – Daring escapes and Canadian hospitality: Inside Ontario’s WWII prisoner-of-war camps –  provides a readable introduction to the topic.  It is also where I found the map of the 10 Ontario POW camp locations and the photo of the Red Rock Camp.


Pinetree Line Reminiscences

The reminiscences of those in the Canadian and U.S. militaries who served in Armstrong as a part of the Pinetree Line of defence against Russian bombers after WWII can be found here:

Screen Shot 2018-10-26 at 9.59.21 AM

Click on the header to access the webpage.

There are references to a number of camps in the Armstrong area.  A careful reading of the material would probably turn up more leads to other site locations.  The first comment by Ren L’Ecuyer has a link to a write-up on a Sioux Narrows lumber camp. It provides excellent detail of what daily life would have been like for the German soldiers who spent time there.  Clcik here for a pdf file of that article or visit the Pinetree Line website to read L’Ecuyer’s entire comment.


Wartime Memories Project

The Wartime Memories Project website (click on the header to access) lists Axis and Allied POW camps across the globe.

Included in the list is Armstrong POW Camp Ontario, Canada. Unfortunately, there is little there except for this summary –


Any information or photos that would clarify or correct any points made in this post would certainly be appreciated. Just make use of the comment section below – or send an email to true_north@mac.com


Outdoor Rob Visits Pishidgi and Wabinosh Lakes

The video begins with a mention of Gull Bay and an examination of a couple of boats. We then see a trailer campsite before they set off on what they say is a shallow lake – so they are not in Gull Bay.  The trailer site is probably at the end of the road into Pishidgi Lake.

parking area on the west side of Pishidgi Lake

They set off to check out the Pishidgi lumber camp site mentioned above.

Pishidgi Lake – access from Hwy 527

Along with the remains of two alligator boats, they find the foundation of a fireplace. Back in their motorboat, they then head to the outlet of Pishidgi Lake and down the Kopka River into Wabinosh Lake.  There they check out a site at the north end of the lake. We see the remains of what may have been a bridge or a dock and a fueling station.

Outdoor Rob shot of the remains of a dock on Wabinosh Lake

The Pinetree Line website includes this image taken in July 1956,  Is it of the same Wabinosh Lake dock?  The roofs of the buildings on the nearby hilltop would suggest that it is not. Then again, if the photo is 68 years old, the cabins may have been removed or burned down sometime between then and now.

remains of a bridge or dock at the north end of Wabinoh Lake?


See the following posts for other bits of our canoe trip:

Canoeing FromThe Pikitigushi’s Cliff Lake to Echo Rock on Lake Nipigon

Canoeing From The Pikitigushi’s Cliff Lake to Echo Rock on Lake Nipigon

Down The Pikitigushi From Cliff Lake To Lake Nipigon:  Logistics. Maps, and Day 1 – Cliff Lake

Down The Pikitigushi From Cliff Lake To Lake Nipigon: Logistics. Maps and Day 1 – Cliff Lake

Down The Pikitigushi  From Cliff Lake To Lake Nipigon:  Days 2 & 3 – From Cliff Lake to The Bear Camp

Down The Pikitigushi River From Cliff Lake To Lake Nipigon – Days 2 & 3

Down The Pikitigushi  From  Cliff L  To Lake Nipigon:  Days 3, 4, &5 – From The Bear Camp To Windigo Bay

Down The Pikitigushi River From Cliff Lake To Lake Nipigon: From The Bear Camp To Windigo Bay

Island Hopping Lake Nipigon  By Canoe From Windigo Bay To Echo Rock

Canoeing Lake Nipigon From Windigo Bay To Echo Rock

Canoeing From Lake Nipigon’s Echo Rock To Waweig Lake

From Lake Nipigon’s Echo Rock To Waweig Lake

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19 Responses to WWII POW Camps in the Armstrong Station Area – Fact & Fiction

  1. Genevieve Montcombroux says:

    Thanks for this bit of history! I study WWII extensively (was a small child in France during the Occupation) so I found the POW camps in Canada interesting. I’ll be looking up some more history.

  2. To add a bit of context, the POW bush camps you are referring to belonged to the Nipigon Lake Timber Co. Long story short, in May 1943, the Canadian government approved the employment of POWs by civilian employers in agriculture and bush work. By the end of the war, there were almost 300 labour projects, most of which were remote and lacked the traditional security measures of internment camps. Of these, over 100 were bush camps in Northern Ontario employing POWs.

    According to my records, Nipigon Lake Timber Co. had three camps in the Wabinosh Lake/Armstrong area employing a total of 200 POWs from 1945 to 1946. The POWs worked 8-hour days, six days a week for $0.50 a day, doing the same work as civilian woodcutters. The camps would have be no different than those employing civilians and often included separate bunkhouses for POWs, guards, and civilian staff, an office/canteen, a kitchen and mess hall, barn, and blacksmith shop.

    If you are interested in learning more, you can check out some of my research or get in touch with me at https://powsincanada.wordpress.com/

  3. Dan Rachor says:

    Very interesting and I thoroughly enjoyed The Enemy Within documentary.

  4. Vince Brown says:

    I was stationed at at the radar site in Armstrong, ontario 1969 – 1970. A chap from the base and I drove from the base, down the road toward the lakehead, turned off on a side road in a station wagon with a boat in tow. The boat was launched and we fished in the river running by the POW Camp. There were 2 or 3 building still standing at that time. One building had a stone fireplace with the Airforce Rondel painted on one side..

    • true_north says:

      Vince, you may be describing the site on Castle Creek which is just above Wabinosh Lake. Your comment about the stone fireplace rings a bell. Somewhere in the reminiscences of servicemen who spent time at Armstrong Station I recall mention of that detail.


      It would only have been after WWII – and with the beginning of the Cold War – that Armstrong Station would have become an an Air Force station and a part of the Pine Tree Line of defence. The building with the stone fireplace may have been a lodge before it was requisitioned by the Air Force; it may have been one of the buildings which made up the temporary logging camp where 30 or 40 German POWs worked for a winter or two.

      • Vince Brown says:

        Somewhere I have pictures of the Cabin and fireplace……… One of the “Cleaners” at the base told me of being “held” there and working for people in the area. He went back to Germany after the war, got his family and came back to the Armstrong area. It was safe!!!!.

      • true_north says:

        If you find them and can digitalize them, I’d love to include them in my post. They may prompt someone else’s memory and draw out more info! We’re going back fifty to seventy years!

        Your story about the German POW who returned sounds familiar! I talked to someone up there who remembers a German member of the Armstrong Station community who came in to talk to his class about WWII and his days as a prisoner!

      • Tom Vine says:

        Building with the stone fireplace was what I was told was the POW camp. I was also told there had been a camp on Kopka Lake which was being used as a public access point for fishing etc.

        I and a Lands and Forest pilot flew to the cabin and burned the building with the fireplace as it was causing the L and F Lands and Forest problems as people were using the building as a cabin. Other people wanting to use the cabin at the same time complained and the solution was to get rid of the building.

        I was also told no barbed wire was needed at the camps near Armstrong due to location. Where would a person run to? I believe Don Elliot is mentioned above. He came to the Lands and Forest base after I went to Nipigon.

      • true_north says:

        Tom, thanks for your two comments. Lots of useful pieces of info to fit into the overall puzzle.

    • Tom Vine says:

      I worked for the Lands and Forests which later became the Ministry of Natural Resources in the early 70s.

      The buildings you mentioned were used by fishermen etc which became a problem for Lands and Forests. I was sent out one day and the building with the fireplace was burned. I believe we burned one or two fire tower cabins on other lakes on the same day. Most likely 1971 -73. I understood the buildings were a wartime POW camp. I believe another camp had been on Kopka lake.


    The camp is there on Wabinosh,been there many times.

    • true_north says:

      Dennis, tantalizing comment! Thanks for taking the time to respond.

      Wabinosh is certainly a pretty little lake. It must be quite the fishing spot to get you to return so frequently! Do you access the lake by the road from Armstrong Stn. that comes down to the NE corner of the lake by Castle Creek?

      When you say “the camp is there”; what exactly is there? Can you see the foundations of buildings? Is there other stuff scattered around? From all of my research, I concluded that "the camp" was just a lumber camp, no different than other temporary lumber camps in the neighbourhood. No barbed wire, no fences … none of that at all. Is there anything there that tells you it was a POW camp as opposed to a lumber camp?

      It turns out that we did not paddle far enough north on Wabinosh Lake to get to the location in the NW corner as indicated on the MNR map in my post. Is that the spot you have revisited over the years? What is there to see there? Did you see the cribbing – the dock foundation? – that the MNR write-up mentions?

      Ontario MNR 2001 Kopka River Addition Report

  6. bradmathisen says:

    I know of the remains of a camp with the fireplace still standing right off of Wabinosh. From Wabinosh, if you take the Kopka river on the SW side of Wabinosh up to where it meets Pishidgi there are the remains of a camp on the right just as you enter Pishidgi. The camp is located at 50.04002533244342, -89.06747517139529. There are also the remains of two old wooden boats with steel skins at this camp.

  7. Brad Mathisen says:

    Page 17 of this PDF shows the POW camp located right in the circle you have off of Castle Creek. https://files.ontario.ca/environment-and-energy/parks-and-protected-areas/mnr_bpp0100.pdf

  8. Anonymous says:

    What a fascinating piece of history. I read a vague Reddit post about a POW camp on Kopka Lake which led me to learn about Camp R in Red Rock. I travelled further down the rabbit hole until I happened upon your thorough recount and research!

    Thank you so much for lifting the stone on this discrete gem from the past.

    • true_north says:

      Nice to hear you persisted long and deep enough in that rabbit hole journey to find my post!

      We went all the way from Alcatraz of the North with 100s of POWS to temporary lumber camps with 20 to 30 fairly free German workers who were even paid a daily wage! It underlines how reliable some other stories from the past are – and what happens when you examine things more closely.

Your comments and questions are always appreciated, as are any suggestions on how to make this post more useful to future travellers. Just drop me a line or two!

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